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News you can use

Here is a great feature AMA now provides.  Now clubs can just click the link and get all the apply by dates for AMA programs.  http://www.modelaircraft.org/membership/AMAdates.aspx
Helis Over Tidewater  June 9-11 2017

Helis Over Tidewater June 9-11 2017

Make your plans today. It is going to be lots of fun. 6/9/2017 - 6/11/2017 — Newport News, VA (C) HELIS OVER TIDEWATER. Site: Club Field. William Nowell CD PH: Email: playyourrole@hotmail.com. Visit: newportnewsrc.org. Sanction #17/436. Heli & Multi-rotor fun fly. 3 Day event for pilots of all skill levels. Big flying field with 8 active flight stations, two designated hover areas, and multi-rotor FPV course. $10 Hover fee includes pilots lunch on Saturday. Visit website for more info. Sponsor: NEWPORT NEWS PARK...